Wabash Friends Church
February 23 @ 6:21 pm
At Wabash Friends Church we Gather as a grace-filled community to uplift and encourage each other in a warm, welcoming atmosphere. We are a body of imperfect people with lives that are filled with challenges and struggles who are looking to God and each other to help us live as salt and light in the world.
We encourage each member to Grow intentionally as they study God’s Word, practice spiritual disciplines, and interact and become involved with fellow Christians. Sunday Grow Groups, Bible studies, outreach opportunities, programs sponsored by adult, children, and youth ministries and the counseling center provide opportunities to grow and become who God created us to be.
Whether at home, work, school, church or in the community, there are many opportunities to Go and bring light and salt into the world around us. Globally, we support and encourage missionaries and short-term mission trips. Both are essential to living out the Christian life, bringing God to others, and bringing others to God.