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Wabash Community Band Annual Irish Concert

March 16 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Wabash Community Band will perform their annual Irish concert on Sunday, March 16, 2:00 PM, at the home of the band, Winchester Senior Center, 239 Bond Street, in Wabash. People of all ages are invited to this annual concert filled with lively Irish music.

The doors open to the public at 1:30 PM. The concert is free to the public. The one-hour concert will begin at 2:00 PM and end at 3:00 PM. It is a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to live music.

Bob Urbani is head conductor with five additional directors from within the band sharing, directing two or three compositions each. The band begins with the Star Bangled Banner and their theme song, Wabash Cannon Ball. The band ranges from sixteen and beyond seventy.

Songs will include An Irish Rhapsody, Wellerman, Down By The Salley Gardens The intergenerational program is an excellent example of participatory arts for elders.


March 16
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Organizer Name
Beverly Ferry
Venue Name
Dallas L. Winchester Senior Center
Venue Address
239 Bond Street P.O. Box 447 Wabash, IN 46992 US