Homeschool Art: Logos & Mascots @ NMPL
March 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
FreeThe Sun-Maid Girl. The Nike swoosh. Ronald McDonald. The Pillsbury Dough Boy. The Energizer Bunny. The Gerber Baby. These and many more advertising campaigns have impacted our culture – to say nothing of our buying habits – with their art, memorable characters, catchphrases and music. Join us for a survey of some of the most famous logos and mascots of all time. We’ll discuss their similarities and differences and see if we can determine the winning ingredients for a marketing strategy. While far outside the realms of fine art, these advertisements nonetheless represent the artistic talents and abilities of decades of creators. We’ll put our imaginations to work and create our own unique logos or mascots to represent products and imaginary companies!
Program Cost: Free
Program Age Requirements: Kindergarten – High School
Location: Blocher Community Room