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Event Series Event Series: Stained Glass Class Options

Beginner’s Stained-Glass Mushroom Workshop

February 2 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

A Beginner’s Stained-Glass Workshop, featuring local stained glass artist Katy Gray, will be held at Salamonie Lake’s Interpretive Center. Participants will choose to create a mushroom on Jan. 22, from 5-8 p.m. or Feb. 2, from 1-4 p.m.

The workshop cost is $45 per person. Advance registration is required 10 days prior to the workshop. Payment may be made on the day of the workshop. Space is limited.

Call 260-468-2127 to register or for more information.

Upper Wabash Interpretive Services, 3691 New Holland Road, Andrews, 46702. For more information on other UWIS programs, visit https://on.IN.gov/salamonielake. To view DNR news releases, please see dnr.IN.gov .

Media Contact: Teresa Rody, interpretive manager, Upper Wabash Interpretive Services, (260)468-2127, trody@dnr.IN.gov .


February 2
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Organizer Name
Salamonie Interp Center
Venue Name
Salamonie Lake’s Interpretive Center
Venue Address
3691 S. New Holland Road Andrews, IN 46702 US